California Educator

August/September 2019

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special education, library media and history. Carter, who teaches at Hoover Middle School, is the only math e d u c a t o r i n t h e g r o u p of 44 and stand s out in recent classes among tal- ented educators focused on the humanities. She's hoping the fel- lowship will help her make math more relevant for her students, especially from a global learning perspective. " You can model anything with math," says Carter. "Everything in life is math." T h a t i n c l u d e s i s s u e s f a c i n g p e o - ple around the world, she adds. These global challenges lend themselves to project-based learning endeavors where students address and analyze the many facets and impacts of issues like overpop- ulation and water scarcity. " W h a t i f w e h a v e a n e a r t h - q u a k e a n d d o n' t h a v e a c c e s s t o c l e a n d r i n k- ing water?" Carter asks. "How can we use math to help solve this problem?" It 's a qu estion Carter p o s e d t o s t u d e n t s l a s t year as part of an engineering project she designed in partnership with The Tech Interactive museum in San Jose. In spi re d by h e r f a th e r 's st o r y a b o u t rooftop rainwater catchment systems in Bermuda, Carter asked her students to d e si gn simi l ar sy st ems, bui l d and t e st mo d el s, and d et ermin e th e b e st approach. Students needed to consider c o st s f o r m a t e r i a l s a n d l a b o r i n th e c on str u ction of th eir sy st em s, u sin g concepts like percentage and scale to guide their design. Learning new techniques for using math and other skills to help solve prob- lems facing people all over the world is part of the global learning experience Carter wants to bring to her classroom in inner-city San Jose. is includes tap- ping into resources that emphasize to students the value of their diversity, and exploring how their experiences can be used in other countries and cultures, so they can learn to fully embrace their roles as "global citizens." "I want my students to value their mul- ticulturalism and understand that they can go anywhere," Carter says. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e G l o b a l L e a r n i n g Fe l l o w s h i p , v i s i t Applications for the 2021 fellowship will open in fall of next year. "You can model anything with math. Everything in life is math." 16 Spotlight Kristen Walker M.A. in Educational Leadership (805) 493-3325 Financial Aid and Scholarships Available • Preliminary Administrative Services Credential • M.A. in Educational Leadership • M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership • Doctorate in Educational Leadership (K-12 or Higher Ed) DON'T JUST ADVANCE YOUR CAREER AS AN EDUCATOR. ADVANCE EDUCATION.

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