California Educator

May 2013

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"What can we do to fix this?" Aaron Harkey asks as he discusses classroom behavior with Marssy. helping to lower suspension rates, improve student behavior and improve the overall school climate. "It was a big cultural change not only for a gun went off inside a backpack, injurus, but for the kids," says Gordon. "Once ing two students. That was a wakeup call, teachers got on board, kids knew what was says Andrade. The school now randomly expected of them." "wands" students with metal detectors each Taking back Gardena High School Students quietly file into the auditorium morning. Gang activity is seldom seen on Years ago, students ignored the warning for lunch detention. Those who come campus these days. API scores and CAHbell calling them to class at Gardena High voluntarily sit on one side of the room, writ- SEE pass rates have gone up. School. They roamed the hallways. There ing one-page essays on how to be a better "It's a much different vibe now," says were no consequences for being tardy or student. Those who come involuntarily write Berry. "I used to walk around campus and ditching class. Fights broke out constantly. two-page essays. There is no chatter. feel the tension, but it's not there anymore. Kids were running the school. "Kids know that detention's no joke," says The kids behave a lot better. Teacher morale Today, when the bell rings, a loudmath teacher William Berry, who graduated is better." speaker reminds students they have 90 from the school in 1970. "It's nice to have an "It takes a village to raise these kids, seconds to get to class. They sprint across administration that backs us." and we have evolved into a village," says campus as the countdown continues. Before, students were suspended for Andrade. "Working together, we've made Students know that if they're late, they'll minor infractions, such as "defiance." Now a difference." receive a tardy and detention. most things are handled by detention. Gar"Move it, let's go, come on, my loves," dena reduced suspensions by 83 percent A restorative justice approach calls out Daron Andrade, dean of student between 2008 and 2011. in Santa Barbara discipline, to runners. Positive behavior and good attendance Marssy has problems in science class. The Andrade gestures to fellow United Teach- is rewarded with barbecues and assemblies seventh-grader talks instead of paying atteners Los Angeles members standing outside honoring teens who bring up their grades. tion and skips homework. On the verge of their classroom doors, waiting for students Gordon hands out awards to failing the class, she's sought to arrive. those caught "being good" and help from a third party. "When that started happening, it was lets ticketholders pick a prize at "Why is this happening, a new beginning," she says proudly. "The the end of the month. and who do you think is being presence of teachers in the hallway shows we With online access to attenharmed by this?" asks Aaron have taken back our school." dance records and grades, Harkey, the AVID teacher she's Improvement at the inner-city high school teachers in "advisory period" sought out. "What can we do began in 2009 with a leadership change, says have a better handle on what's to fix it?" English teacher Brenda Gordon. The principal going on with their students. Marssy says she talks implemented a "tardy sweep." Security staff "We're on top of it," says because she sits near friends. started rounding up students who were not in Gordon. "I make phone calls She admits she's harming John Houchin class, escorting them to the office, and issuing and get parents and counselors herself, the science teacher and tardy slips and lunch detentions before sending involved. These kids are like, classmates by disrupting the them back to class. Staff also began enforcing OMG, what are we going to do now?" learning environment. She suggests changing the dress code, to students' surprise. But things aren't perfect. Two years ago, her seat so she's not sitting near friends, then May 2013 19

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