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make the runoff. With Romero championing ABOVE: King City Elementary Teachers Association President Helen Barge accepts the Joyce Fadem Rookie Chapter Award on behalf of her chapter. the flawed policies of the federal Race to the Top program and of U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Sanchez said this race was a “California referendum on the O bama-Duncan r eform agenda.” Romero’s defeat shows this divisive agenda was clearly rejected by voters. “It was a vote in support of the people who know what is go- ing on in our classrooms and know how to work to support and improve them,” he said. CTA-supported candidates country and who are the heart of our communities.” Key election victory President Sanchez praised CTA members for leading the June 8 primary election fight vic- tory for CTA-backed Assembly Member Tom Torlakson (D-An- tioch) in the critical race for state superintendent of public instruc- tion. Torlakson emerged from a crowded field to face former San Jose Unified superintendent Lar- ry Aceves in a November runoff. Teachers led the fight against state Sen. Gloria Romero of Los Angeles, who narrowly failed to also won primary races for other state offices: Gavin Newsom, lieutenant governor; Dave Jones, insurance commissioner; Debra Bowen, secretary of state; John Chiang, state controller; and Bill Lockyer, state treasurer. Budget battle continues Sanchez discussed the budget battle, acknowledging that devas- tating state cuts are frustrating so many CTA chapter bargaining teams — and causing so much turmoil from the potential loss of 16,000 teaching jobs this year. Closing the state’s $19 billion • • • • • • • • • In other action, State Council: Passed the CTA budget for the 2010-11 fiscal year, including an $18 dues increase. Elected CTA Director Theresa Montaño (District J-HE); re-elected CTA Director Jim Groth (District P); elected NEA Alternate Director Doreen H. McGuire-Grigg; and elected CTA/ABC Committee members Cheryl Fowlkes (District F), Chris Prokop (District P), and Juan Caballero (At- Large). Recommended the following candidates: Kamala Harris, attorney general; Richard Pan, Assembly District 5; Ricardo Lara, AD 50; Betsy Butler, AD 53; Ben Hueso, AD 79; Paul Clay, Senate District 36; Mary Salas, SD 40 (pending election results certification); and Pat Meagher, Congressional District 41. Recognized winners of the State WHO Awards. Recognized winners of the Theodore Bass Memorial Teacher-in- Politics Awards: Christopher Bushée, Overall Award; Jill Low, Getting Others Involved; Debbie Imerson, State Priorities; David R. Bean and Jil Burnes, Local Priorities; and Antonia Brookshire, Coalition Building. Recognized winners of the Joyce Fadem Memorial Chapter-in-Politics Awards: Travis Unified Teachers Association, Small Chapter; San Joaquin Delta College Teachers Association, Medium Chapter; San Ramon Valley Education Association, Large Chapter; and King City Elementary Teachers Association, Rookie Chapter. Took “Support” positions on the following initiatives that are on track to appear on the November ballot: Legislative Term Limits Reform Act of 2010 (09-0048); Passing the Budget On Time Act of 2010 (09-0057); State Parks and Wildlife Conservation Fund Trust Fund Act (09-0072); and Financial Accountability in Redistricting Act. Took “Oppose” positions on the following initiatives: Safe, Clean and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2010 (SBx7 2); Voters FIRST Act for Congress (09-0027); Local Tax Payer, Public Safety, and Transportation Protection Act of 2010 (09-0063); Sinclair Paint Initiative (09-0093); and California Jobs Initiative (09-0104). Authorized up to $13 million from the initiative fund to support CTA’s positions on initiatives on the November 2010 general election ballot. budget deficit without further gutting education funding — which has seen $17 billion in cuts over the last two years — will best be done with the “California Jobs Budget” plan offered by Assembly Speaker John Perez, he stressed. Sanchez warned that the gov- ernor’s revised spending plan unveiled in May would cut $4 billion more from our schools, and eliminate health care and child care programs for poor kids. The Assembly budget plan — backed by CTA and the entire LEFT: State Council delegates give a standing ovation to gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown. Education Coalition — would raise revenues, protect Proposi- tion 98, in crease funding for K-12 and colleges, and protect our social safety net. “With these kinds of cuts, this isn’t just a fight about money, this is a fight about our values and about what’s right,” said Sanchez. “And CTA is not about to change our values just to make life easier for a failed governor.” MIKE MYSLINSKI For complete CTA candidate recommendations, go to www. Election-2010. JUNE 2010 | 31 CTA photo by Mike Myslinski CTA photo by Dave Earl Carpenter