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Compiled by Julian Peeples Quotes & Numbers 92% Percentage of educators who said teaching is more stressful now than prior to the pandemic in a recent EdWeek Research Center survey. 700 Number of food pantries on college campuses (up from just 88 a decade ago), according to the College and University Food Bank Alliance, underscoring the growing hunger problem on campuses. "We're here to talk about student debt, how it was intentionally created, and how it worsens and widens the racial wealth gap. ... We can create a powerful movement that can help more Americans move from simply surviving to thriving." — NEA Vice President Princess Moss, opening an NEA webinar on student debt cancellation. For so long, teachers have been undervalued. Hopefully, now, after this pandemic, all of America has seen what teachers have done." —President Joe Biden, acknowledging National Teacher Appreciation Week in May. 4 Number of states (Idaho, Iowa, Oklahoma, Tennessee) that have placed legal limits on how educators can teach about racism, sexism and other controversial issues. "Teaching is heart work. It's a work of the heart. It's about connecting and making relationships." —Juliana Urtubey, Nevada special educator and 2021 National Teacher of the Year. Amount proposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom to expand zero-textbook-cost degrees across the state's community college system, noting during his May Revise budget announcement that the "racket that is the textbook industry is abusive to common sense." million 115 30 million Number of children in the U.S. who relied on free or reduced-price school meals in 2019, according to the summary of the proposed Universal School Meals Program Act, which would provide four free meals a day to all school children. — Gov. Gavin Newsom during his announcement of the May Revise budget, which includes a record $93.7 billion in funding for public education (see story, page 33). We need to do more to care for our teachers. And we need to have their backs, because they have our children's backs." 3,677,235 Cases of COVID-19 in California as of May 28, along with 61,855 deaths. $ 12 In the Know