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What color is the virus? N I N A S C H I E L D , a third grade teacher at Rooftop K-8 School in San Fran- cisco, incorporates COVID-19 into several optional assignments. Parents appreciate that she explaines in age-appropriate terms why their chil- dren can't go to school, play in parks and hang out with friends. For one assignment, the United Edu- cators of San Francisco member had students read articles about COVID-19 in Time for Kids magazine and then submit questions to her brother-in-law, Philip Sossenheimer, who answered them from Chicago on Zoom. "Some students wanted to know what color COVID-19 is. They learned from Dr. Sossenheimer that although it is depicted as bright red, it's actually so small that it can't be seen with regu- lar light microscopes. [Scientists] color it red after they use electron micro- scopes to see the tiny viruses." For art projects students created posters thanking essential workers and hung them in windows. "We discussed what an essential worker is. It's not just doctors and nurses and others in high-status jobs. People collecting trash, delivering mail and working in grocery stores are just as essential to keep us safe and healthy." Nina Schield > Element5 Digital / Unsplash 29 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 2 0 Educators develop lessons and learning around COVID-19 crisis By Sherry Posnick-Goodwin hile teaching during the crisis presents huge challenges, it also offers opportunities to engage students in profoundly teachable moments. A few teachers share their experiences. W e Pandemic's Teachable Moments covid-19

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