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June / July 2022 V O L U M E 2 6 I S S U E 6 MAGAZINE DIGITAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT MEMBER BENEFITS TEACHER RESIDENCIES It's all about relationships — and trainings centered in equity. PAGE 20 COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Snapshots of educators building a hub. PAGE 26 'ANTI-BIAS ABC'S' Ryan Brazil and her fourth grade students publish a book to inspire love, empathy and compassion. PAGE 38 WHAT IS MARKET FAILURE? How econ teacher Breanne Wymore taps into student creativity. PAGE 41 TRANSFORMATIONAL TECH Webinar series o•ers pro- fessional development for educators, and a whole lot more. PAGE 42 RISING TO LEAD Educators across the state run for elected o•ice to make direct change for students. PAGE 50 COMMUNITY COLLEGE PARITY Part-time instructors file lawsuit over wage violations. PAGE 33 W H A T ' S H A P P E N I N G N O W #WeAreCTA OUR VOICE, OUR UNION, OUR PROFESSION STUDENT LOAN NEWS Temporary waiver can help educators with public service loans — but the deadline looms. NEA, CTA have resources. PAGE 34 NEAstudentdebtnavigator VACATION PLANS? Save big on theme parks, lodging, car rentals and more with CTA Access to Savings. INSURED FOR LIFE CTA partners with The Standard to o•er quality life insurance at group rates. CTA SUMMER INSTITUTE Back in person with every- thing you need to start the new year. UCLA, July 24-28. PAGE 9 PRESIDENTS CONFERENCE Prepares chapter leaders for the challenges and opportu- nities ahead. Burlingame, July 14-17. PAGE 9 A SUMMER OF LEARNING Expand your horizons at specialized conferences, from project-based learning to STEAM. Sign up soon! PAGE 9 Artwork by Lyra Modersbach, the Grades 5-6 winner of CTA's 2022 César E. Chávez & Dolores Huerta Education Award Program; her supporting teacher is Mayra Alvarado, Oakland Education Association. For details, see page 53. 1 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 2 2