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H I G H E R T H A N P R O J E C T E D revenues mean that Califor- nia students will be the big winners in the 2022-23 state budget, after Gov. Gavin Newsom's May Revision proposes increases to already-record funding for public schools and community colleges. The final budget is negotiated through the legislative pro c e ss, and th e St at e L egi sl ature has unti l Jun e 15 to pass a balanced budget. (For the latest budget news, see Th e governor 's revi sed Proposition 98 minimum edu- cation funding level for the 2022-23 budget is projected to be $110.3 billion , an $8.3 billion increase from initial budget proposal in Januar y. The revised budget includes an additional $1.5 billion in ongoing Prop. 98 funding for California's Community Colleges. e May Revision includes a $97.5 billion budget surplus, meaning the governor's updated revenue projections are much higher than previous forecasts. "Educators welcome the very good news of robust revenues due to a strong economy and a budget proposal that would bring record funding for our public schools and community colleges," CTA President E. Toby Boyd says. "Our schools and students are still reeling from the pandemic and the inequities it exposed, and this May revise provides added hope that Cali- fornia's 6 million students will be closer to having the resources they need to succeed." N o t i n g t h a t t h e b u d g e t i n c l u d e s a l o t o f o n e - t i m e funding, B oyd says that th e stat e i s moving in th e right direction in per-student spending, but there is still a way to go. He says with the fifth-largest economy in the world, there's no reason schools shouldn't have the highest per pupil funding in the countr y. Record Education Funding in Budget's May Revision Proposed 2022-23 state funding for public schools and colleges adds more resources for students By Julian Peeples Proposition 98 requires a minimum percentage of the state budget to be spent on K-14 education. Gov. Newsom's May Revision proposes a record $110.3 billion in Prop. 98 funding. Proposition 98 Funding, 2011-12 to 2022-23 30 Advocacy $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $100 $110 $120 Dollars in Billions $47.3 11-12 $58.1 12-13 $59.0 13-14 $67.1 14-15 $69.1 15-16 $71.6 16-17 $75.6 17-18 $78.5 18-19 $79.5 19-20 $96.1 20-21 $110.2 21-22 $110.3 22-23