California Educator

June/July 2022

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Should the end of the world come, tell them we're not scared. You see, worlds end all the time; This moment is a world, this poem a world And there will be infinitely many after it. How wondrous it is that we have memory to weave these stars into constellations There is a pattern we burn into the night sky and we alone can make it beautiful So listen now while our hands are still raw with magic: hold all that you can build something, break it down, then build again and when you finally look up smile at the people standing beside you. A Poet Laureate's Voice O N E O F T H E dynamic speakers at CTA's Summer Institute, July 24-28 at UCLA, is Alexandra Huynh, the 2021 National Youth Poet Laureate. Huynh, who grew up in Sacramento and just nished her rst year at Stanford University, was raised by Vietnamese American immigrant parents — an experience that plays a signicant role in her poetry and her mission to connect cultures and work toward social justice. At the Instruction & Professional Development strand at Summer Institute, Huynh will speak about how she became a poet, how her time at school shaped her, and the impact that teachers have had on her life and advocacy. She will also do a short poetry workshop with educators and read some of her poetry. Register for Summer Institute at Below is an excerpt from "Love Song for the End of the World," by Alexandra Huynh: Educator Magazine Honored The California Educator was honored by the California State Assembly and the Asian American & Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus with a commendation on May 14, 2022 (during Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month). The commendation praises the Educator for, in part, "uplifting AAPI visibility and the face of xenophobia and increased anti-Asian violence...." You can check out our recent AAPI coverage and watch CTA's webinar "Supporting AAPI Educators and Students" at Find AAPI lesson plans and resources at 51 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 2 2 C

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