California Educator

June/July 2022

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CALENDAR June / July 2022 Carlos de Toro/Unsplash June is Pride Month LGBTQ+ Pride Month is a great time to talk with students about LGBTQ+ people and their struggles to achieve equity and justice. Teach students about key LGBTQ+ figures in history, read stories and other media authored by or featuring LGBTQ+ people, explore heterosexism's causes and solutions. LGBTQ+ history should be integrated into the curriculum throughout the year. Find lesson plans for various grade levels at the Anti- Defamation League (; click on "lesson plans" and filter by topic). Join educators, parents, students and communities uniting across race, genders and place to demand safe and a•irming schools where all students can thrive at Find resources to support LGBTQ+ students at² NEA's annual meeting, July 2–6 in Chicago, is the world's largest democratic deliberative body with about 8,000 delegates. They help set policy and chart the direction of NEA. On July 2, NEA presents its Human and Civil Rights Awards in a dozen catego- ries.² NEA Representative Assembly, Human and Civil Rights Awards CTA delegates make their voices heard at NEA RA. Keep Students, Educators Safe and Supported CTA Member Benefits partners with the NEA-LGBTQ+ Caucus to o•er the "I'm Here" badge. Wear the badge to identify your- self as a safe, supportive person to discuss LGBTQ+ issues. Order a badge and find the resource toolkit at LGBTQ+ youth are four times as likely to attempt suicide as their peers, which is why sup- port from their educators is critical. Educators in turn need to be supported and protected as they teach relevant curriculum. Sadly, many students and educators are not receiving this support. Urge legislators to pass the Equality Act — to make discrimination against LGBTQ+ people ille- gal — and the Safe Schools Improvement Act — to protect all students from harassment. Go to 8 In the Know

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