California Educator

April/May 2023

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Legislative Update By Julian Peeples AB 260 (Santiago) Requires that people who are employed to teach adult or community college classes receive compensation in at least an equivalent ratio to the amount provided to full-time employees with comparable duties; and imposes this pay requirement upon the expiration or renewal of existing col- lective bargaining agreements. This bill has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Higher Education. AB 483 (Muratsuchi) Establishes new requirements on the Department of Health Care Services regarding the agency 's audit processes, assis- tance and training provided to local educational agencies on appeals, specifying medical necessity for beneficiaries under 20 years of age, and other related items. AB 483 passed out of the Assembly Health Committee and is currently awaiting hearing by the Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 535 (Irwin) Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction, on or before July 1, 2024, to select an applicant county office of education to serve as a Statewide School Library Lead to work with the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence and to establish library and literacy services sup- porting the statewide system of support. AB 535 specifies the Statewide School Library Lead's duties include enhanc- ing the state's investment in literacy and aligning those efforts with the California State Literacy Plan and working directly with local educational agencies, including county office of education, to build capacity to develop excellent school library services and accelerate literacy and learning. This includes coordinating support, providing direct techni- cal assistance and delivering professional learning. AB 535 is scheduled for hearing by the Assembly Educa- tion Committee. AB 730 (Lowenthal) Requires public agencies to provide written notice to an employee within 21 days if there is a Public Records Act request to disclose their personnel, medical or other private information. AB 730 is currently awaiting hearing by the Assembly Judiciary Committee. SB 551 (Portantino) Amends the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Com- mission requiring each county to use a percentage of their prevention and early intervention (Proposition 63) funds to provide direct services on school campuses in collaboration with local education agencies (LEAs). SB 551 establishes direct services on school campuses as a priority for pre- vention and early intervention funds. It also requires each county 's mental health board to include one youth with lived experiences and one LEA representative, and pro- hibits more than 50 percent of the members of a county 's mental health board from owning or operating an organiza- tion or business that financially benefits from a proposed or adopted MHSA plan. The bill is scheduled for hearing by the Senate Health Committee in April. CTA is co-sponsoring five bills this legislative session. Follow these bills as they move through the legislative process, and be ready to contact lawmakers during critical moments. Find the latest news at SB 691 (Portantino): CTA Opposes Unfunded and Unworkable Mandate CTA State Council approved an "oppose" position on SB 691, which would require all kindergarten through second grade students to be screened in school for dyslexia. While CTA supports the overarching intent of SB 691, the implementation is currently unworkable as written in the bill, which also includes no funding for the herculean effort universal screening would require. For the intent of SB 691 to be achieved, there would need to be a comprehensive redrafting and not one or two sim- ple amendments, which is why CTA is opposing the bill. 32 Advocacy

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