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CTA & You A C R O S S T H E S TAT E , CTA members shared their love of reading with their schools and their communities as part of the national Read Across America Day, March 3. CTA President Dean Vogel started the day with state Superintendent Tom Torlakson reading to third-graders in Sacramento, then visited Suisun Elementary and its public library, where he read the California Reads-rec- ommended book The Day the Crayons Quit. CTA Vice President Eric Heins spent time reading to a second-grade class at Bagby Elementary in San Jose. CTA Secretary-Treasurer Mikki Cichocki-Semo and CTA Board member José Alcalá spent the morning at La Jolla Elementary in Moreno Valley reading to classes there, while Board member Sue Cirillo read to eight different classes at Beachy Avenue Elementary in Arleta. CTA Board member Dana Dillon was on hand to receive a resolution honoring Read Across America from the state Assem- bly in Sacramento. Educators shared their love of reading in a variety of ways: pajama day read-a-thons, celebrity readers visiting classrooms, and community literacy fairs. Fremont Primary in Calipatria, with the help of Read Across America California joins in on the Read Across America celebration Pajama days and read-a-thons By Tiff any Hasker Committee member Alicia Garcia, put on a fun show with the school's education support professionals and the prin- cipal acting out The Day the Crayons Quit. Educators in San Francisco lined up around the block to get free books to give to their students so students could start building home libraries. About 40,000 brand-new donated books were handed out in a project coordinated by United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) and First Book San Francisco, a literacy advocacy group that's part of a national network. But the fun doesn't need to end just because Read Across America Day is over. You can use this quarter's recommended books to help continue sharing the love of reading. We've got more resources to help you do just that — lesson plans, activity guides and more. Visit for more information. In Calipatria, Fremont Primary's ESP staff Rosie Reyes, Mary Cervantes, Adriana Lyerly, Yolanda Fiorenza and Celia Garcia perform The Day the Crayons Quit with Principal Sue Casey (orange) and fourth-grader Jonathan Aguilera. Above: CTA Vice President Eric Heins was mobbed while reading with second-graders at Bagby Elementary in San Jose. Read Across America 49 A P R I L 2 0 1 4 Educator 04 Apr 2014 v2.3 int.indd 49 4/15/14 12:05 AM