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P H O T O G R A P H Y B Y S C O T T B U S C H M A N Want to jazz things up so your classroom refl ects your innovative, colorful teaching style? Besides the"wow!" factor, a makeover is an ideal opportunity to show students who you are and what you like, and convey that you care enough about them to create a unique environment they can enjoy. It encourages them to think outside the box, too. Plus it can be done without spending a fortune or an enormous amount of time. The result? Your classroom is, well, classier. Here we look at three teachers who have a fl air for fabulous and are willing to share their secrets. We'll look at their before and after photos, and sometimes at what transpired in between. You'll fi nd before and after pictures at So now, without further ado, turn the page for the big reveal! Feature Quyen Bullard created this fabulous hanging rainbow structure in the corner of her classroom. See the full transformation on page 21. HOW THEY DID IT CLASSROOM MAKEOVERS: 19 V O L U M E 1 9 I S S U E 1