California Educator

October 2014

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Y O U R O P I N I O N S A N D L E T T E R S A R E W E L C O M E ! There is a 250-word limit, and all letters will be edited. If you send photos or other materials, identifications and permissions are required. Letters must include your name along with your address, daytime telephone number or email address. Email Legislative prof iles I have enjoyed reading the interviews with different legislators in the California Educator magazine and would love to see Kristin Olsen featured. Thank you. CORREY GRUBAUGH Modesto Teachers Association Editor's Note: We're glad you're enjoying the interviews and thank you for the recommen- dation. Assembly Member Olsen is on our list and will be interviewed this spring. I remember "Four-f ingered Louie" I may be the only CTA member who knows that Mr. Oien mentioned in the August 2014 Editor's Note was the principal at Patrick Henry Jr. High in Sioux Falls, S.D., because I, too, am an alumnus ('62-'65). And yes, I had firsthand knowledge of him "pointing something out" (with his middle finger as he had no pointer finger)! I fondly recall Mr. Swanson for sev- enth-grade history, Mrs. Gore for English, Mrs. Henry for math, Mr. Prestbo for civics, Mr. Hinders and Mr. Farrand for PE/football, Mr. Szazma for shop, Mr. Ramos for science. In fact, I was in his class when they an- nounced Kennedy's assassination. I've been feedback an elementary teacher in Southern California since 1985, a bilingual coordinator since 2003, and hope to retire in a year or two more. With the introduction of Common Core, I appreciate my Sioux Falls public school ed- ucation even more. Most of what I read and hear about sounds like what I was taught. Thanks for the blast from the past. By the way, I believe Mr. Oien's first name was really Joe. GLENN SKALLAND United Teachers Los Angeles Classroom makeovers a family affair I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading the August Educator. I especially liked the article on class- room makeovers. I returned to teaching Pre-K at my school, Beachy Ave School, after serving on the CTA Board. It was very stressful taking over a classroom filled with someone else's stuff. Then there was too much furniture in the room for Pre-K and I removed six desks and four bookcases. But the biggest prob- lem was the holes in the walls. Then we read the article on classroom makeovers. My eldest daughter, Laura Johnson, patched the holes and painted a mural using characters from books I read to the children. It brightened up the room and was a big hit. Now the principal at her school and the principal of another school nearby want her to paint murals for them. They will have to wait until a weekend because she is an education support professional (ESP) during the day. Thanks again for a great magazine this month. SUE CIRILLO United Teachers Los Angeles V O L U M E 1 9 I S S U E 1 P L U S PA G E 3 2 VERGARA: STUDENT PERSPECTIVE: PA G E 9 "My counselor helps me move forward" SHOULD SCHOOLS START AFTER LABOR DAY? PA G E 2 4 You can do it, too! HOW THEY PAGE 19 DID IT CLASSROOM MAKEOVERS: DON'T MISS YOUR MEMBER GUIDE STUDENT PERSPECTIVE: PA G E 9 "My counselor helps "My counselor helps me move forward" V O L U M E 1 9 I S S U E 1 V O L U M E 1 9 I S S U E 1 STUDENT PERSPECTIVE: "My counselor helps "My counselor helps me move forward" FLIP OVER! The fight for due process continues 3 V O L U M E 1 9 I S S U E 3

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