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CTA & You Calendar CTA Statewide Winter Conferences NOVEMBER 1 Opt-Out Deadline Voluntary dues contribution Voluntary annual contributions by members support CTA Foundation's grants/scholarships and CTA's advocacy efforts. New members are automatically enrolled in the default contribution of $10 for the CTA Foundation and $10 for advocacy. Members may change their allocation or opt out. New members have 30 days from the date of enrollment; previously enrolled members have a win- dow from Aug. 1 to Nov. 1. Find out more: NOVEMBER 4 Election General election Make your vote count and help get out the vote. See the voter guide on page 30. Find out more: NOVEMBER 14–16 Conference GLBT Conference M a r r i ott M i s s i o n Va l l ey, S a n D i eg o CTA's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Conference is open to all CTA mem- bers and addresses issues affecting the entire membership, students and the community. Find out more: NOVEMBER 21 Application Deadline GLBT "Guy DeRosa" Safety in Schools Grants and Scholarships This program provides grants to support projects and presentations that promote understanding and respect for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons, as well as scholarships for members enrolled in a teacher/counseling credential or graduate program who understand the importance of GLBT educators as role models. Find out more: JANUARY 6 Nomination Deadline CTA Human Rights Awards These awards promote the development of programs for the advancement and protection of human and civil rights within CTA. Any active CTA member, chapter, caucus or Ser- vice Center Council may nominate a member, chapter or Service Center Council. Find out more: See our upcoming events at California Educator Volume 19, Issue 3, October 2014 California Educator (ISSN 1091-6148) is published monthly except January, June and July by: California Teachers Association, 1705 Murchison Dr., Burlingame, CA 94010- 4583. Periodicals Postage Paid at Burlingame, CA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to California Educator, P.O. Box 4178, Burlin- game, CA 94011-4178. Apply for incentive grants by Nov. 9. Find out more: JANUARY 16–18 Issues Conference R i o H ote l , L as Veg as , N evad a FEBRUARY 6–8 Good Teaching Conference North Fa i r m o nt H ote l , S a n Jos e MARCH 6–8 Equity and Human Rights Conference H yatt Reg e n c y, B u r l i n g a m e MARCH 20–22 Good Teaching Conference South S h e rato n H a r bo r I s l a n d , S a n D i eg o VOT E ! NOVEMBER 16–22 Event American Education Week It's World War I, and 25 percent of the draftees signing up to fight are illiterate; 9 percent are physically unfit. In 1919, 95 years ago, the American Legion and the National Education Association work to seek ways to generate public support for education. The result: increased support for public schools. American Education Week is cele- brated annually the week prior to the week of Thanksgiving. Find out more: 54