California Educator

October 2014

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Help the public understand what happens in our schools by inviting them into the classroom on CTA Community Engagement Day J U S T L I K E NEA's Educator for a Day event, CTA's Community Engagement Day asks local chapters to invite individuals from the community to get a glimpse of life in their neighborhood school. The visitor performs the duties of the regular educator in a normal day — teaching class, performing lunch and corridor duties, and supervising recess, among other responsibilities. The goal: to enhance understanding among community leaders and to demonstrate to public officials and other decision-makers the successes of our students and schools and the chal- lenges they face, while underscoring the need for adequate staffing, materials and facilities. Both events are held on Wednesday of American Education Week, Nov. 19. For resources and ideas, go to or to SHOW & TELL! P H O T O B Y S C O T T B U S C H M A N PTA President Steve Saunders, left, with third-grade teacher Jonathan Chamberlain and second-grade teacher Karla Fernandez discuss parent and community engagement in Inglewood. 55 V O L U M E 1 9 I S S U E 3 get pre-approved today! Call (800) 328.5328 endorsed by: Which Summer Roadtripper are You? As low as 1.49% APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is our best rate on approved credit and up to 125% financing for a maximum 48-month term, and includes a 1% discount for Automatic Payment (AutoPay). Rate subject to increase if AutoPay is discontinued. Actual interest rate offered may be higher depending on applicant's credit rating and other underwriting factors. Up to 125% financing is available on purchase and no-cash-out refinancing only, is based on creditworthiness, and may not be available to all recipients; other conditions may apply. In some instances Logix may require borrowers to purchase Guaranteed Auto Protection on new and used auto loans; maximum 17.99% APR. Current Logix loans excluded unless borrower takes $5,000 cash out (must meet loan-to-value requirements) or pay a $249 fee. Logix finances vehicles purchased through franchised dealerships only (those affiliated with a major brand such as Ford, Chevy or Toyota). Auto loans are available only in AZ, CA, DC, MA, MD, ME, NH, NV and VA. Monthly payments at 1.49% APR for a 48-month term are estimated at $21.48 per $1,000 borrowed. Borrowers may elect to defer the first payment due date for up to 90 days from loan funding date, subject to credit approval; interest will accrue during deferral period. Rate accurate as of 7/01/14 and is subject to change. The Wanderer The Highway Master The Urbanite The Adventurer The Team Captain The Coastal Cruiser Rates as low as n No Money Down n No Payments for 90 Days n New n Used n Refi

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