California Educator

October 2014

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What's new at CTA Online Most popular post Viral video Favorite comments More top tweets K.D. Baltierra | S E P 2 9 As a CA fifth-grade teacher, I really think we have to listen to each other. I mean really listen, not be ready to respond. I see that both the "anti-CCSS everything" crowd and the "we like the standards, just not the implementation" crowd have good points. We need to find some common ground to fight for on behalf of our students and public education. I honestly fear we are going to drown each other out if we don't do that. Marion L Nguli | S E P 2 6 Good teachers constantly assess, not necessarily on paper! Peggy Beaty | S E P 2 6 Every time you interact with a student, you are assessing. That is what a teacher does. Bibiana Daniel Rosas | S E P 2 5 The more I'm told I'm qualified, the more they tell me what to do and how to do it. That's what I've learned. Brian Wise | S E P 2 2 So the federal government can't afford to fully fund Special Education mandates, but as a consolation prize, it will give a school district an armored vehicle fresh off a battlefield? What's next, a retired ICBM for a playground climbing structure? Hand grenades for football practice? Who elects these people?!?!?! @JoseDelBarrio | S E P 2 7 "as long as u can b convinced u never did anything, u will never do anything"—MalcomX @ShiftUpwards | S E P 3 0 As educators we are in the position to create a pipeline of girls interested in leadership and to nurture their dreams. #GirlsLead @calliembush | S E P 2 9 Planning all of this staff development on top of teaching full time is getting exhausting. But I know it will make a difference! #educolor @nvwick Students should be owners of their learning. #CTATopTweet Blueprint for Great Schools: CTA calls for increasing school funding, expanding parental involvement, and ensuring spending decisions are made at the local level as outlined in Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson's Blueprint for Great Schools. Use this hashtag in your tweets and we'll select our favorites for each issue of the California Educator. Workshop engages community Recent Community Engagement events engaged stakeholders in topics such as early literacy, understanding the Common Core State Standards, and how parents and schools can work together. 1 2 Hispanic Heritage celebration spans two months Join CTA in celebrating the vibrant and historical tributes of Hispanic heritage and culture during National Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15. 3 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month We are making great strides in finding a cure for breast cancer by keeping it in the forefront of our minds with events like Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 4 General election just around the corner With the Nov. 4 general election just weeks away, it's time to zero in on — and elect — pro-public education candidates, like Tom Torlakson for supt. of public instruction and Tim Sbranti for AD 16. Variety of scholarships available to members & dependents CTA offers several different educational scholarships to members and their dependents throughout the academic year. Applications will be available in mid-October. 5 J U L Y 2 490 likes 85 shares 7 V O L U M E 1 9 I S S U E 3

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