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Independent Study, Online and Scheduled Classes REGISTERING NOW! Teaching & Coaching In a Diverse Society Series The Basic Elements of Athletic Coaching Series 3 Semester Units 1 and 2 Semester Units 3, 2 or 1 Semester Units • Building and Launching Your Own Rocket EDU 560AD • Electromagnetic Waves: Visible Light, X-Rays and UV Radiation EDU 560DA • Mechanical Waves: Sound, Seismic Waves and Water Waves EDU 560DB • Let's Build a Demo: A LED Audio Transmitter and Receiver EDU 560DC MULTIPLICATION INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES EDU 560SM 3 Semester Units $275 October 2011 / 39 TECHNOLOGY COURSES Increase your ability to keep records, design lessons, do research and communicate effectively by enhancing your technology knowledge! Google Docs for Educators EDU 581CH Google Docs is a free, web-based set of tools that allows you to create and edit documents from anywhere at any time and to collaborate on documents when convenient or in real time. The Tech Savvy Teacher EDU 508ZF Information Literacy EDU 508ZG Internet Projects for the Classroom EDU 508ZH All About WebQuests EDU 508ZI Writing & Publishing on the Web EDU 508ZJ Going Public: Digital Audio-Visual Resources EDU 508ZK Stop, Look & Listen: Internet Safety EDU 508ZL Digital Storytelling EDU 508ZM Web Design for the Educator EDU 580WD WebQuest Publication EDU 580WH Microsoft Office for the Educator: Level I - EDU 581BC Level II - EDU 581CC PowerPoint for Educators EDU 581CF Microsoft Office 2007 for the Educator EDU 581CE Office 2010 for the Educator EDU 581CG NEW!