California Educator

May 2015

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JULY 16–19 Conference Presidents Conference Fairmont Hotel, San Jose This training is geared for local chapter leaders. New and second-year pres- idents and new community college chapter presidents begin on Thursday with specially tailored training; others join them Friday for electives and work- shops to enhance leadership skills. Find out more: SEPTEMBER 18–20 Region I Leadership Conference Fairmont Hotel, San Jose OCTOBER 9–11 Region II Leadership Conference Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, Nevada JUNE 1 Application Deadline NEA Foundation Grants The NEA Foundation awards grants to educators: Student Achievement Grants support improving academic achievement; Learning and Leadership Grants support high-quality professional development activities. Applications are reviewed three times a year. Find out more: JULY 1–6 Convention NEA Representative Assembly Orlando, Florida With 8,000 delegates (including about 900 from California), the RA is the world's largest democratic deliberative body. CTA members will help set policy and chart the direction of NEA busi- ness. Find out more: AUGUST 2–6 Conference Summer Institute UCLA Conference Center, Los Angeles CTA's premiere training workshop offers sessions in Instruction and Professional Development (focusing on Common Core), Community Engage- ment and Coalition Building, Commu- nications, Legal, Member Benefits, Emerging Leaders, Bargaining, School Finance, and Health and Welfare. Find out more: California Educator Volume 19, Issue 9, May 2015 California Educator (ISSN 1091-6148) is published monthly except January, June and July by: California Teachers Association, 1705 Murchison Dr., Burlingame, CA 94010-4583. Periodicals Postage Paid at Burlingame, CA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to California Educator, P.O. Box 4178, Burlingame, CA 94011-4178. CALENDAR 2015 LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES Do you have what it takes to be an association leader? Learn the ropes or increase your skill set. Find out more: U.S. states 1. E V E R Y M A N O N I T = VERMONT 2. F I N D A H O U S E = IDAHO 3. F L I P F O R I D E A S = FLORIDA 4. P A R K B A N S P U M A S = ARKANSAS 5. A R M I T C H I N G M A N = MICHIGAN Challenge: C O M I N G N E W S Q U O T A S = MINNESOTA Last names of famous composers 1. E A C H C O P W I N S = CHOPIN 2. B E E N W I T H M O V E I N = BEETHOVEN 3. B A R L E A N H A M S = BRAHMS 4. S H A K Y D I N E R = HAYDN 5. S U C H A F U N B E R E T = SCHUBERT Challenge: T E C H M A N I N K M O V E S K E Y = TCHAIKOVSKY Extra Credit solutions CTA & You 56

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