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S T U D E N T S S T R E A M I N G A C R O S S Cotate High School's quad at lunchtime do a double take at the strange fight scene unfolding before them. Some aren't quite sure what to make of the young men, who appear to be engaged in an ancient form of battle. Has the school entered a time warp where medieval warriors fight to the finish? Have video game characters come to life? Is the Drama Club seriously out of control? Nope. It's just the LARPing Club, doing what it does best: LARPing. For those unfamiliar with the concept of Live Action Role-Playing (LARP), it's a pastime where participants create safe "weapons" and padded costumes to engage in "battles" and games. It's been around for many years, and The world according to LARP Live Action Role-Playing offers an inclusive fantasy world — and life lessons By SHERRY POSNICK- GOODWIN Photos by SCOTT BUSCHMAN Brian Davis and Patrick Mador cross swords as Cotate High School math teacher and LARPing Club sponsor Rob Cunningham looks on. 40