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C T A ' S S T A T E C O U N C I L meeting April 8-10 in Los Angeles was an upbeat affair. President Eric Heins started the proceedings by noting the U.S. Supreme Court's March 2016 decision in Friedrichs v. CTA, which upheld the constitutionality of Fair Share fees. Stripping public employees of their collective bargaining rights in the workplace is wrong, he said, and he called it a victory for millions of students in California and across the country: By having the ability to join together to make our voices heard, we ensure that public schools and colleges remain strong and students get the quality public education they need and deserve. Heins warned that the fight is not over, and we must carry on the work of engaging our members and educating the public on the importance of standing up to those who would shut out our voice. He praised CTA's member engagement efforts, which " help build and redefine our union so that we are more inclusive, more interactive, more communicative, more responsive, more relevant, and yes, more influential." Engaged and Involved Report From April's State Council UTLA's Cecily Myart-Cruz accepts the Jose Colmenares Memorial Award on behalf of the chapter. Left to right: Teachers of the Year Daniel Jocz, Doug Green, Ann Park, Michelle Cherland and Mitch Bahr. For story on ESP of the Year Debbie Hamme, see page 51. More State Council stories and social media posts at 46