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A few to try Look for introductory specials Hello Fresh (featuring Jamie Oli- ver),, $8.75 to $9.90 per meal Purple Carrot (vegan),, $9.25 to $11.33 Sun Basket (organic, non-GMO),, $11.39 Blue Apron,, $8.74 to $9.99 Green Chef,, $10.49 to $14.99 Gobble,, $11.95 to $13.95 PeachDish,, $12.50 or less Plated,, $12 Meal subscription plans work for educators' lifestyles — and lesson plans T H E P R O P O S I T I O N : Pay for a set number of meals, get farm-fresh ingre- dients delivered weekly to your door, follow directions to cook up dinner. T H E M A T H : Meals are relatively afford- able when you factor in time spent grocery shop- ping or the cost of takeout, and often provide enough food for lunch the next day. E D U C A T O R B O N U S : Make culinary or sociocul- tural discoveries that can be shared with students. "Understanding the connection between the food we eat and the impact these choices have on us all can provide opportunity for a rich dialogue with students," says Andy Levitt, founder and CEO of Purple Carrot. "Every insert [that comes with the meal ingredients] usually includes education about vegetables in season this week or unique spices you may not have seen before," says Amy Ende- mann, marketing director of Sun Basket. "Our menus let you discover new fla- vors, new ingredients." T H E D E E T S : Most plans' meals can be made in 30 to 45 minutes; expect to do some food prep. (Gobble offers gour- met meals in 10 minutes using one pan.) T H E B I G P I C T U R E : It's a lifestyle, and a com- munity. "Purple Carrot is more than just a meal kit," says Levitt. "The company is build- ing a community of people who are energized to make a difference in our health and in our environment." "We care most about helping you and your loved ones enjoy meaningful time together," says Rebecca Lewis, Hello Fresh's in-house registered dieti- tian. "Taking a small portion of the day to slow down and focus on a basic need like food sustains us more than just nutritionally. Food has the power to connect us to our bodies, our emo- tional drives, other people, and even nature itself." What's for Dinner? Clockwise from top left, plates from Sun Basket, Hello Fresh and Purple Carrot. 14 in the know ideas