California Educator

September 2016

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Travel and training make for inspired educators By SHERRY POSNICK- GOODWIN What You Did Last Summer Climbing a Glacier R E B E C C A S O U T H W I C K Pioneer Middle School science teacher P O RT E R V I L L E E D U C AT I O N A S S O C I AT I O N Here I am after climbing a glacier in Iceland. When I got to the highest point of the climb, I looked down and saw the enormous chunk of ice surrounding me. It was totally exhilarating. I felt as if I could conquer the world. I was one of five science teachers, including my husband, who took high school students on a trip to Iceland through World Strides Tours. I'll remember it for the rest of my life. I'm still drawing inspiration from that glacier climb. I N O U R A U G U S T I S S U E , we featured winners of our Educa- tors Are Everywhere contest, in which CTA members traveled far and wide with California Educator magazines and sent us photos to prove it. We couldn't award prizes to everyone, but we'd like to showcase others who sent us photos of their adventures. Fulfilling a Dream A L I Z A W I N E Vista Middle School special education teacher U N I T E D T E AC H E RS LO S A N G E L E S I made it to Spain — a trip I have wanted to do for 40 years! Here I'm in front of the ancient city of Toledo. I studied flamenco dance as a young person and also Spanish history, so I have been interested in Spain for many years. I am particularly fascinated by the mix of cultures, Arab, Christian and Jewish, as reflected in the music and the architecture of the old synagogues and mosques that were converted into churches. I am currently fascinated by the Spanish Civil War era and read several books in preparation for my trip. I also got introduced to the Catalan language and culture in Barcelona! The combination of cultures and music is what I will share with my students. 40 teaching & learning

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