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feedback Show Us Your 55! Passage of Proposition 55 on this November's ballot is essential if California public education is to continue to get back on track following the ravages of the Great Recession (see page 30). Please Show Us Your 55! — snap a photo showing your support for Prop. 55 and send it to (with full name and local chapter) or post it to or @WeAreCTA on Twitter and Instagram (#Prop55). Back to School Issue I had many comments on the August Educator that I wanted to share. Regarding Laurie Jones' "Your Voice" perspective, in which she talks about loving her students: She is right. Every student has at least one positive attribute. Find it, give earned praise, build on it, discover more good talents, and build a wall of real success. Give the divas some responsibility so they can use their flamboyance positively! Additional suggestions for the first day of school and beyond: Have a community buffet breakfast on opening day. All parents meet teachers and get a copy of stu- dent's schedule and report card dates. Keep all assignments in a binder at a side table so recent absen- tees can copy what they missed and ask you for a new due date. Accept no late work without a real excused absence. Say "Hand in what you have," tell them to write "Help" on top and list their prob- lems. You look, hand it back with suggestions and a new due date. If they meet it and improve, they can still make an A! This way, you never fall behind and students always get to improve. Always ask for feedback from students. Often they can make you aware of your body language and other mannerisms that distract and confuse them, which you simply never realized you did. For example: "Why do you always face the door?" "Why do you tend to accept any answer from a girl, but push harder for critical thinking from a young man?" "Do you know you draw boxes in the air every time you make a point that will be on the test ?" Prepare to switch concerns if kids arrive in emotional turmoil about something that just happened in the school or the commu- nity. Facilitate a civil discussion. Ask for possible solutions that could be presented to community leaders, police, etc. M A RY M E L I S SA G R A F F L I N U N I T E D E D U C ATO RS O F SA N F R A N C I S C O ( R E T I R E D ) Survey Says… Just a few more days to be entered to win an iPad. All you need to do is answer a few questions in our online sur vey at by Sept. 25. About what, you ask? We want your input: What do you think of the Educator? What do you like, what do you want to see more of? What don't you like and don't need? We want to hear from you. @MargaMarshall, Mt. Diablo Education Association, and education student @SamanthaHeinri3 liked our August tips on teaching with emojis. At a Prop. 55 message training are San Jose Teachers Association members Renata Sanchez; Jim Marshall, SJTA vice president; Taunya Jaco; Matthew Seymour; and Andrea Reyna. Photo credit: Mike Myslinski Y O U R O P I N I O N S A R E W E L C O M E ! We accept email and letters (250-word limit); and we excerpt user posts from CTA social media platforms. All text is subject to editing for clarity and space. If you send photos or other materials, identifications and permissions are required.; #WeAreCTA At a Prop. 55 message training are San Jose Teachers 3 September 2016