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S ome build walls to divide us. But as a new CTA TV ad cam- paign says, school walls — from whiteboards to library shelves to classroom walls full of student art — welcome all and bring us together. The CTA Media Fund campaign features members. As with previous campaigns, it reminds the public about the value of public education and CTA's ongoing advocacy for schools as safe, nurturing environments where students can learn and grow. It demonstrates the excellent student-centered work educators do in their classrooms, schools and colleges every day. e campaign extends to radio, online and social media ads. Radio spots tell listeners th at edu cators " liv e by a pledge" — for smaller classes where children can get individual attention, a n d f o r p u b l i c s c h o o l s that don't just t each to the test but provide a well- rounded education and technical skills and career training, which build brighter futures. S e e a n d h e a r t h e n e w a d s i n E n g l i s h a n d S p a n i s h a t Print ads translated into 11 languages are running in ethnic media. e ads are airing in multiple media markets throughout the state and are on major and relevant websites. ey are particularly timely with their strong message to students and families that California schools are inclusive and welcoming to all. "CTA believes all students deserve a quality public education, and schools should be safe havens that unite and build our com- munities," says CTA President Eric Heins. "This new campaign drives that message home." Take the pledge! Show your support for students and public schools. Go to Teacher and librarian Sarah Morgan, Acalanes Education Association, advises a student. Sixth-grade educator Taunya Jaco, San Jose Teachers Association, is in her second year of teaching. Jorge Sanchez, Redlands ESP Association, in one of several Facebook ads asking people to sign the pledge to give all students the public education they deserve. " Schools should be safe havens that unite and build our communities. This new campaign drives that message home." — CTA President Eric Heins Welcoming Walls New CTA ad campaign highlights educator values, safe and inclusive schools 56 CTA & You