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Teachers reclaim their roles as " C O N S U L T A N T S H A D N O I D E A what was going on in classrooms," says Michael Delaney, an Amador County Teachers Association member and longtime elementary school educator. He applied for the Instructional Leadership Corps (ILC) when it launched in 2014 with the express purpose of hav- ing teachers train teachers and lead the transformation of the profession. After all, he says, "teachers in the classroom are on the front lines, they're on the cutting edge." As an ILC member, Delaney shares his expertise in science with colleagues statewide. Inuonal Tak Ro Used to be that no matter what problem was perceived to exist in classroom teaching and education, it could be "solved" with expensive consultants. Purported experts would parachute in to retrain educators and revamp curriculum. Often, little to no progress was made. Michael Delaney Teaching & Learning L E A D E R S H I P