California Educator

June / July 2018

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Students Michael Chelsin, Jack Nelson and Shaun Dauble examine one of the tanks to be used for tilapia. " At first, I and others stood around, not realizing what we were supposed to do. Then I realized that we the students are the ones deciding literally everything!" — Robert Graff, TVHS student middle school kids who want to learn about aquaponics, sustainable farming, and related topics in biology, chemistry and physics. "It's powerful to see students given the opportunity to create and to solve prob- lems and to lead, rather than be told what to do," says Brannon, a Temecula Valley Educators Association member. Student Robert Graff agrees. "At first, I and many others stood around, not real- izing what we were supposed to do. But then I realized that we the students are the ones deciding literally everything! We picked out the greenhouse, we found the tools, we built the system, we researched everything and got it to work." Students found themselves learning many new skills. "I was in charge of finding and con- tacting a reputable source for our media bed's pumice," says Lilly La Reay. "I had to learn how to use skill s like strong communication , deductive reasoning and effective bargaining while creating a deal with our supplier." Proceeds from the camps will further expand the greenhouse aquaponics sys- tem and fund work on a photovoltaic array that will power the system. Aquaponics is a process that combines hydroponics and aquaculture to cultivate organic produce and fish without use of soil. It relies on symbiotic relation- ships between fish, naturally occurring bacterial culture and the plants being cultivated, and uses much less water than traditional agriculture. In the T VHS greenhouse, four blue tanks allow newly born tilapia (f inger- l i n g s) to be netted and separated out of th e tw o l a rge r t a n k s a n d i n t o th e sm al l er t ank s for pro t e ction a s th e y grow to a heartier size. As the mature tilapia are har vested , the smaller fish are introduced back into the tanks and the cycle is repeated. C a m p e r s w i l l p a r t i c i p a t e i n h a n d s - o n s c i e n t i f i c a c t iv i t i e s w h i l e l e a r n i n g l a b t e c h n i q u e s a n d h o w t o document and analyze data, exploring bio log y and ch emi str y, and study in g th e e c o l o g i c al b al a n c e b e tw e e n a ni - mals and plants in nature. CTA's Institute for Teaching awards grants to educators in support of inno- vative projects. All active, dues-paying CTA members, including pre-K–12 teachers, certificated support staff, education support professionals and college instructors, are eligible to apply. For information and to apply, see 57 J U N E / J U L Y 2 018 In December, TVHS Biosustainability Club students and volunteers spend a weekend laying the groundwork (literally) for their greenhouse.

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