California Educator

March 2013

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> L E G I S L AT I V E O U T L O O K FAQs Tectonic shift in funding impacts teaching and learning conditions Subsidiarity: Localizing decision-making; an organizing principle stating decisions should be made at the lowest possible level of a government or an organization, rather than at a high level; a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those tasks which cannot be performed effectively at a more immediate or local level. CTA's State Council of Education will review the budget proposal to understand its impact on, and opportunities for, issues like bargaining, class size, Common Core and teacher evaluation. Here are answers to frequently asked questions. Should the new school formula be implemented before money owed to schools from past years is paid? CTA believes schools should be repaid the money they are owed from years of cuts before the new formula is implemented. How will a local control funding plan impact class size reduction? The proposal allows K-3 class sizes to grow to 24 students Imagine a world where California public numerous opportunities to impact school in targeted classrooms, up 25 percent from schools have all the resources they need, so learning and teaching environments. the current maximum. CTA wants to ensure educators are empowered to create effective This increases the importance of the nego- the state has adequate funding to reduce structures and supports for student learning. tiations process because classroom experts class size and to implement the new Core Teaching conditions and education careers — teachers, certificated personnel and Curriculum Standards, already hamstrung by may look different, and saying no to new fads education support professionals — will have lack of funds. may be easier. The answer to the question more to discuss at the bargaining table. "How should we fund the education of all our The proposal phases in more money, or What criteria will be used to determine students so all children can learn?" may look weightings, to schools with students who which schools should receive the addidifferent. require more funding to educate. Students tional funding and how much they should In the real world, Gov. Jerry Brown's identified as having greater needs, thus receive? Each school gets a base grant tied to 2013-14 proposed Local Control Funding higher costs, are students who qualify for average daily attendance and extra money for Formula gives educators an opportunity to free and reduced-price lunch, English lanEnglish learners, low-income students and do that. Education guru John Mockler, who guage learners, and foster kids. foster kids. CTA wants to ensure that whatcrafted the state's constitutional minimum The Department of Finance released ever criteria are established are fair, and that funding guarantee for schools (Proposition district-specific information regarding fund- the data used to make these decisions is both 98), has worked on 48 budgets in his career. ing and numbers of students that fall in the consistently measured and accurate. He says he has never seen as dramatic various categories identified as needing more a change as this before. (Mockler was feafunding. To see your local numbers, go to When will the new funding formula tured in the December/January Educator.) be phased in? Changes kick in with the Be aware there is potential for high 2013-14 school year and phases in over the drama and for gratifying success because next seven years with the implementation of What's changing? Subsidiarty. of the sheer volume of the changes offered. Proposition 30. For example, CTA wants to ensure the data In what some are calling a "tectonic shift used in the new formula are accurate and How will accountability be established to in everything," the plan calls for localized calculated the same way in all schools. The ensure the funds are being spent effectively? decision-making. In particular, Gov. Brown controversy around moving adult educaThis is the biggest question for CTA. We is giving the school districts more power to tion to community colleges already made believe accountability measures must be in decide what is best for students. He calls that the news. place to ensure the money goes to students. localizing of decision-making "subsidiarity." Should lawmakers approve this element The categorical funds outlined in Caliof the governor's budget, it will likely occur fornia's Education Code that apply to the on the same timeline as deliberations about work educators do are being collapsed into the rest of the budget. The state constione funding formula. The governor's stated tution requires lawmakers to send the intent for local control means eliminating governor their final budget plan by June 15 many state mandates that tie the hands so that he can sign it into law prior to the Follow what's happening at of those doing the work, which provides July 1 start of the next fiscal year. the Capitol by checking in at MORE INFO, and read for 16 timely updates. California Educator March 2013

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