California Educator

April/May 2022

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T O D AY, students in my Integrated Math 1 Support Class are taking a group quiz. As they work together, I overhear them say things like "I think we need to com- bine like terms" and "Did you multiply to get 3x s qu ared?" an d re sp e ctful ly correct one another by saying, "I think it should be negative since it's a negative times a positive." What distinguishes today from yes- terday? This is the first time I 've used the group feedback strategy with these students, and in a matter of minutes, it's made a world of difference. C o l l ab orativ e l earnin g al low s stu- d e n t s t o s o l v e p r o b l e m s , c o n s t r u c t explanations, critique other students' reasoning, and engage in rich academic discourse. But as teachers, we all know how difficult it is to get students to com- municate and collaborate. The group fe ed b a ck strat eg y can h elp stu d ent s learn effective group-level behaviors and understand the interactions you expect. It promotes student participation, col- laboration and equity. Teachers take public notes while stu- dents work in groups. is strategy works for assessments, labs, literature circles and study groups. You can use this strat- egy for large or small tasks and remind students of these expectations whenever they work in groups. Here are some ideas for using it in your classroom. Preplanning Before starting a task, make sure that students understand your expectations. Give them a list of expected group norms ahead of time. You may want students to (1) ask and answer clarifying questions, (2) share ideas with team members, (3) justify reasoning, and (4) critique and qu estion th e reas onin g b ehind t eam members' perspectives. D u r i n g t e a m t e st s , f o r e x a m p l e , I want to see students explaining ideas and strategies to one another, leaning in and looking at each other's work, asking questions, respectfully disagreeing with teammates, and working on the same problems at the same time so that var- ious suggestions and strategies can be shared and discussed. I do not want to see students working on problems indi- vidually, copying answers from others "Group feedback strategy can help students learn effective group-level behaviors and understand the interactions you expect. It promotes student participation, collaboration and equity." Group Feedback A guide to teaching students how to work together By Cheyanne Freitas Deposit Photos without understanding the work, or hav- ing lengthy off-task conversations. Implementation During implementation , display your s t u d e n t f e e d b a c k t o d r i v e s t u d e n t actions. This way, students understand th e implications of th eir actions and words as they work. Feedback can take many forms. Typ- ing on a document table while projecting it, typing on a designated slide or in the speaker notes section while students collaborate on a virtual assignment, or writing feedback on posters around the room are just a few suggestions. Use color coding, plus or minus signs, and a dynamic grade to help students dis- tinguish between positive and negative feedback. Consider the group's work and their discussions. Highlight the positive interactions you witness and explain why they are positive as well as who was involved. Recognize students for their valuable contributions, such as clarifying questions or providing a small idea that sparks further discus- sion. I publicly acknowledged it when a quiet student mentioned a " box" that helped his teammates remember the area model tool. It communicated to the entire group that his comment was valuable and raised the student's standing within the group and in the classroom. Ke e p n e ga t iv e re m a rk s t o a m i n i - mum to highlight and reinforce positive actions. I like to include neutral com- ments for random things I hear or notice; it's a fun way to connect with stu- dents while also letting them know 45 A P R I L / M AY 2 0 2 2 T

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