California Educator

October/November 2024

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E V E R Y A U G U S T in school districts across the state, admin brings all educators together for a big pep rally and professional development for the school year ahead, begging the question: What if our local unions held our own convocations focused on building power for our members and students? San Diego Education Association (SDEA) did just that a couple days before members had to report to work, starting the year off right with their Union Academy. More than 150 SDEA site representatives and program chairs converged for a day of skills development, power building and fellowship to fill their cups with solidarity as the new year began. " Thank you for taking the time during your last days of vacation to come to Union Academy to learn and build a stronger SDEA together, so that we are able to achieve even greater wins for our fellow edu- cators and the students and communities we serve," SDEA President Kyle Weinberg told member leaders in attendance. The academy included workshops on a variety of resources and tools to help site reps best advocate for their fellow educators and build power at schools throughout San Diego Unified, including sessions on members' rights regarding student discipline and special education, the role and responsibility of site reps, and assertive advocacy. SDEA also offered workshops on community schools, shared decision making and the power of unity. " This work you do as leaders fills me with awe. That two days before you return to school you are here at Union Academy doing the good work and building your collective power is no small thing and it is why our union is strong and alive," CTA President David Goldberg said at the academy. "It's a good thing too, because I think you know better than anyone that the difference between having a union and not having one is the difference between winning the schools our students deserve and losing public education as a fundamental part of our democracy." SDEA leaders at the Union Academy in August. A Convocation for Us San Diego Education Association's Union Academy prepares reps for year ahead By Julian Peeples 44 Advocacy

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