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"I'm the president of United Teachers of Santa Clara and I'm walking in Campbell Elementary School District because all of our kids are all of our kids, regardless of the district they go to school in." —Margie Wysocki, UTSC President "Knocking on doors and getting involved as teachers is crucial because school board elections matter. Electing the right school board members means better outcomes for teachers, students and their families." —Nico Vaccaro, Natomas Teachers Assn. " I'm out walking for our endorsed candidate for school board, who is an amazing supporter of teachers and the person we need to make sure students have what they need to be successful." —Jay Mason, Campbell Elementary Teachers Assn. President "We have been able to make great changes by electing a majority of SCTA-endorsed candidates to our school board, beginning with a new superintendent. This year's election is just as important to make sure that we keep moving forward." —Fernando Rodriguez, Sacramento City Teachers Assn. 33 O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 24