By @samdemuro
Why I Pledge for Ed
Show that you stand up for the public education all students deser ve. Here's how:
Things to Do Now
Following Betsy DeVos' confirma-
tion as U.S. secretary of education,
Upworthy published a list of 20
things you can do to support pub-
lic ed. (Among them: Get involved
with NEA/CTA!) When we posted
the story to Facebook , members
had a few items to add:
Karen Leslie Coulthard: Take
your child, neighbor, grandchild,
sibling to the nearest museum and
talk about art. Ask them about
classes free or otherwise. Donate
supplies or your time.
Dianne Antonio: If you have
children or grandkids, turn off
electronic devices and discuss
everything, read, read, read and let
them see you reading and writing.
Provide journals or blank paper.
Increase your child's vocabulary
by seeing things, doing things,
going places, and discussing every
aspect. Stress science. Visit librar-
ies and study. Shop at your local
college or university book store.
Heather Orr: Put teachers on
committees to write standards and
curriculum, not businessmen.
Matt Fuller: Become a teacher is
top of my list.
Meme of the Month
For our full social media
directory, see
connect with us!
Jamestown TA President Greg Haney, Desert Sands TA member Sandi Mangan, Arvin TA President
Michael Flores-Castaneda.
CTA's Disaster Relief Fund
CTA educators were on the front lines
helping their communities during the
recent floods and evacuations. Social
networks continue to be a great way
to spread the word and help others
during times of need. A post about our
Disaster Relief Fund reached more
than 11,000 people. Apply for a grant or
donate at
college or university book store.
Heather Orr
committees to write standards and
curriculum, not businessmen.
Matt Fuller
top of my list.
connect with us!
• First, take the pledge. Visit
• Second, visit and print out a sign.
• Fill in why you took the pledge.
• Have someone take a photo of you holding the sign.
• Send us the photo at, or post on Twitter/Instagram with the
hashtag #WhyIPledgeForEd. Can't wait to see you!
11 March 2017
in the know
digital buzz