California Educator

May / June 2017

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campus, say students, is a happier place, because it's hard to be in a bad mood with ukulele music around. The instrument became an instant hit when Bowman brought it to commercial music class. When she began playing, so many students said "That looks fun" and "I think I could learn to play that" that sh e form ed a club with colleagu e Amy Jennings. The club became so popular, she asked her associate principal if she could start a class. The administrator was so moved when a student played George H a r r i s o n's " W h i l e My G u i t a r G e n t l y Weeps" on the ukulele that she suggested presenting the idea to the principal, but the principal at the time said no. That didn't stop this plucky educator. Bowman continued to teach ukulele along with other instruments in commercial music classes, held regular concerts and advised Ukulele Club. When a new prin- cipal came on board, she asked again. e administrator, a huge supporter of music, g rant ed p ermi ssion for a st an d-alon e c ourse. Her cl ass received 70 soprano ukul el e s th e fo l low in g year, and from the school received a bass ukulele and 12 more concert ukuleles. Today she teaches 120 students in four ukul el e cl a sse s. S om e of h er stud ent s have even spontaneously played "Tiptoe rough the Tulips" for her. Lauren Bowman and students Maleyna Arias, Mynor Cifuentes and John Chavez. Watch them play together at 16 perspectives 526-SDM-17 Scholastic Magazines | 1-800-SCHOLASTIC | Mention code 4511 *Features available with select titles only. Meet California's Common Core standards for grades PreK–12 with Scholastic Magazines' Print & Online Teaching Packages. Get Incredible Common Core Support with Subscribe NOW for as li le as $5.25 a student! Captivating Nonfi ction for every subject that builds content-area knowledge and reading skills at the same time Support for Diverse Learners* with online audio, multiple reading levels, Spanish translations, and more Amazing Teaching Support including lesson plans, skills sheets, and standards alignments Powerful Digital Tools including our incredibly popular videos and differentiation features Brand-New Websites!

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