California Educator

February / March 2018

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h eth er y ou're a n e w t each er o r r e t i r i n g a f t e r a d i s t i n - g u i s h e d c a r e e r, C a l i f o r n i a Casualty invites CTA members to visit w i n a j o u r n e y. c o m a n d e n t e r f o r a chance to win a Dodge Journey, or the cash equivalent of $25,000. While you're there, see how California Casualty's auto, home, renters and other insurance products can meet any per- sonal and professional life stage needs. S i n c e 1 9 5 1 , C TA a n d C a l i f o r n i a C a su a l ty h av e p a r t n e re d t o su pp o r t educators and th e imp or t ant cause s that impact schools and students. For e x a m p l e , i n 2 0 0 7 th e y h e l p e d f o u n d Im p a c t Te e n D r i v e r s , t h e n o n p r o f i t dedicated to battling inattentive driv- ing, the No. 1 killer of teens. California Casualty continues to fund the Create Real Impact contest, which rewards stu- dents for artistic messaging promoting safe driving to their peers. California Casualty employees also vol- unteer to bring the Impact Teen Drivers curri culum into publi c hi g h sch o o l s across the country and present awards to winning Create Real Impact entrants. While California instituted a tough new law last year banning the use of hand- held mobile devices behind the wheel, it's believed that efforts like Impact Teen Drivers are needed to keep public atten- tion on the problem to turn the tide of crashes from inattentive driving. As part of the Impact effort, California Casualty enlisted NEA and CTA mem- bers last year to make a pledge to drive focused for a chance to win a Ford Focus. More than 76,000 educators, including almost 16,000 CTA members, met the challenge to be a good example for their families and their students and avoid dis- tracted driving. (Christy Clark-Weese, a PE and health teacher in Firestone, Colorado, was the grand prize winner.) California Casualty gives back in other meaning ful ways. It has partnered with CTA to sponsor the California School Recognition Program, which celebrates the Teachers of the Year and highlights California's Distinguished Schools. Its programs have also benefited educators through $7,500 School Lounge Make- overs, $2,500 Acad emic Award s, and multiple monthly $200 Help Your Class- room grants. The Win a Journey contest will run th ro u g h O c t . 5 , 2 0 1 8 , w ith a w i n n e r announced in November. To learn more about California Casualty, or to request an auto insurance quote, pl ea se v i sit, or call 800-800-9410. Chr ysler D odge is not a participating partner in or sponsor of the Win a Journey contest. Share Your Journey to Win a Journey California Casualty offers contests as well as great deals Win a Dodge Journey Navigate the road ahead in the comfort of a 2018 Dodge Journey, courtesy of California Casualty. Entrants must be current or retired K-12 public school employees and members of CTA/NEA. Enter at W 64 CTA & You M E M B E R B E N E F I T S

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