California Educator

December/January 2022

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L O N G B E F O R E Gov. Gavin Newsom signed groundbreaking legislation that adds a one-semester ethnic studies (ES) course to high school graduation requirements, Stockton educators were working on making ES curriculum an integral part of stu- dents' education. The new law is especially relevant to Stockton and its stu- dents. Stockton was named "the most diverse city in the nation" by USA News last year. It was also described as a city "scarred by its past," linked to racial tensions and dire economic disparities. R a c e an d opp or tunity h av e b e en l argely int er tw in ed , according to the report, "with the city's people of color often faring poorly on health and economic measures despite the city becoming majority-nonwhite more than three decades ago." Some members of the Stockton Teachers Association (STA) believe that creating a more inclusive curriculum and offering ES courses to all students are a path toward healing and encour- age civic engagement and community-based social justice. "ES allows students in Stockton to see themselves in the curriculum and to be proud of their history and culture," says Ed Arimboanga Jr., a teacher on special assignment (TOSA) overseeing the ES program at Stockton Unified School District. "It also inspires them to want to do something about the many issues and challenges we face in Stockton." Stockton educators' groundbreaking program is a model for others By Sherry Posnick-Goodwin In 2019, the Stockton Unified school board passed a resolution strengthening and expanding the existing ethnic studies program. Student and educator supporters pose right after the vote; Aldrich Sabac is in the front row with glasses, and Ed Arimboanga Jr. is in the back row, second from left. Trailblazers Trailblazers Ethnic Studies 33 D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 / J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 2 Final Trim Size: 8" x 5" 8.25" x 5.25" Bleed 7" x 4.687 Live Area Colors 4/0 CMYK Y C K M

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