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chapters put enough pressure on the district to rescind those policies. e profession of public education has evolved over the years thanks to the collective power of women and allies working together to fight for their rights. AB 2901 is the next step forward. Stay up to date on AB 2901 as it progresses through the Legislature, download shareable graphics, join thou- sands of fellow CTA members in signing a petition in support of the bill, and share your own story by visiting "AB 2901 would help women like me be able to con- fidently continue growing my family," says education specialist Angeles Llamas, a member of Fresno Teachers Association, "while staying employed and doing what we love most: growing little minds!" CTA Secretary-Treasurer Erika Jones speaks in support of AB 2901 at the press conference; to her left is the bill's author, Asm. Aguiar-Curry. CTA member Lydiana Alfaro (holding her baby) also spoke. CTA leaders at the Capitol to urge the Assembly Education Committee to vote YES on AB 2901: Twin Rivers UE Organizing Chair Brittoni Ward, Folsom- Cordova EA President Jeannette Sansenbach, Twin Rivers UE President Rebecca LeDoux, Natomas TA President Mara Harvey, Anderson Union HSDTA President Shaye Stephens, CTA Secretary-Treasurer Erika Jones, Sacramento City TA President Nikki Milevsky. Advocacy at the Capitol CTA brought educator power to the State Capitol in February and March to talk with legislators and bring awareness to the long overdue need for paid pregnancy leave for educators and CTA-sponsored AB 2901 (Agu- iar-Curry). CTA Secretary-Treasurer Erika Jones kicked off the press conference at the State Capitol announcing the Pregnancy Leave for Edu- cators Act. A new mother herself, Jones said educators across the state have expressed how important this issue is to them. "I have met with concerned teachers across the state who struggle and stress about what their pregnancy needs will be. Teachers have absolutely zero paid preg- nancy leave," Jones said. " The time is now to provide teachers with the dignity to build their families without the added stress of try- ing to figure out sick days and lower pay. We need to pass AB 2901 now." Jones was joined by fellow CTA members and elected leaders including AB 2901 author Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters). "As the author of this bill, I aim to end dis- criminatory practices that force some of the most important professionals in our society to choose between their careers in service to our children and their financial security, the health of their families and the health of their school communities," she said. AB 2901: The Pregnancy Leave for Educators Act AUTHOR: Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) SPONSORS: CTA, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, State Treasurer Fiona Ma SUMMARY: Grants public school employees up to 14 weeks of leave with full pay when an employee is pregnant or experiences pregnancy-related health issues, including childbirth, miscarriage, termination of pregnancy or recovery from those conditions. 23 A P R I L / M AY 2 0 24