California Educator

June/July 2024

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Summer 2024 V O L U M E 2 8 I S S U E 6 MAGAZINE DIGITAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT MEMBER BENEFITS SMALL LOCALS, BIG IMPACT How McFarland Teachers Assn. and Camino Faculty Assn. strategized, organized and won. PAGES 15 and 20, respectively. WEEK OF MANY ACTIONS Chapters across the state showed their support for, showcased their community schools. PAGE 22 RISING UP AGAINST RIFS Union, students and commu- nity fight to keep pink-slipped teachers at a San Diego mid- dle school. PAGE 32 LGBTQ+ SUPPORT Take action to protect fully resourced and supportive schools for LGBTQ+ stu- dents and educators at MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD Urge legislators to pass the Paid Pregnancy Leave for Educators Act and to elimi- nate unnecessary Teaching Performance Assessments. OUR LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY View our union's position on all bills, including sponsored legislation. legislative-advocacy W H A T ' S H A P P E N I N G N O W #WeAreCTA OUR VOICE, OUR UNION, OUR PROFESSION TRAVEL DEALS CTA Access to Savings offers member discounts on family getaways, staycations, overseas adventures and last-minute trips. Book now! BE A SAVVY SHOPPER Find special pricing on apparel, home goods, electronics, jewelry, office supplies and more at CTA Access to Savings. SUMMER TRAININGS Hone your skills, network with peers at CTA's Summer Institute, July 24-28 in LA, and other educator confer- ences. #CTASI NATIONAL BOARDS CTA offers multiday work- shops for those new to or continuing the National Board Certified Teacher process, July 15-17 in Natomas; July 24-28 in LA. BIPOC educators can also join supportive NBCT programs that meet during the school year. 1 Photo: Whittier Elementary Teachers Assn. — currently at impasse with the district in contract negotiations — won an agreement on community schools. Story on Page 12. C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L S S U M M E R 2 0 24 #Union Strong S P E C I A L I S S U E 2 0 2 3 – 2 0 2 4

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