California Educator

June/July 2024

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A C R O S S C A L I F O R N I A , educators, students and families are working together to transform public education with Community Schools. To raise visibility and build local power and capacity for Community Schools, 47 CTA locals took part in the first statewide week of action, April 22–26. While each Community School is differ- ent, as they draw on the unique strengths of a n eighborhood to address students' unique needs, they are all based on shared decision-making. These schools involve genuine and authentic collaboration by all stakeholders to serve both students and communities in the best possible ways. "e model of Community Schools is a bottom-up, anti-rac- ist model, a democratic model," said CTA President David Goldberg. "It's a model that builds power with community, that brings broader issues of the common good to the table." A l o n g w i t h c o l l a b o r a t i v e l e a d e r s h i p , C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l s str iv e f o r d e e p f a m i ly e n ga ge - ment systems and innovative, culturally relevant teaching practices to build the f o u n d a t i o n s f o r t r u e t ra n sf o r m a t i o n a l change within schools and communities. California has committed $4.1 billion dol- lars for Community Schools, meaning one in every four schools in the state will become a Community School in the next 10 years. Actions during the week in April were var- ied since the Community Schools movement is at different stages in different areas. ey included chapter outreach to parents and community members; chapters orga- nizing and taking actions together with other chapters; local schools holding "open houses" for policymakers and commu- nity members; and much more. A roundup: A Week of Action CTA locals boost Community Schools from all corners of California Mountain View Teachers Association, in LA County, held a social event to celebrate Community Schools. "The Community Schools model builds power with community and brings broader issues of the common good to the table." β€”CTA President David Goldberg 22 Advocacy C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L S

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