California Educator

June/July 2024

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Educators in CTA local associations across the state have been organizing and winning the resources their schools need and students deserve. The Power of Our Union Unbreakable solidarity fuels victories across the state By Julian Peeples A T S C H O O L S A C R O S S California, the inspiring power and momentum of last year's Hot Labor Summer continued seamlessly into the 2023–24 school year, with educators standing together in their locals for their students and each other. Our collective strength as CTA is built on our unity-fueled victories in our local associations. When we are committed to each other and willing to put it on the line together for our students and communities, we create change in our school districts and build the power needed to win elections and move legislation in the Capitol. Here is a collection of 2023–24 victories and ongoing struggles in local associations across CTA that illustrate just how much we can accomplish for our schools and communities when we fight together. 6 Feature

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