California Educator

June/July 2024

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remarks during the meeting and on social media and days later, Woodland EA's executive board voted unanimously to spearhead her recall. By November, enough verified signatures had been collected for the recall to qualify for the 2024 March Primary Election ballot. The trustee lost her seat. While Woodland EA is in the early stages of etching their political involvement path, they are clearly growing their collective strength in local politics. Natomas Teachers Association (NTA), based in Sacra- mento with 600 members, seized the opportunity to become involved in a special election in 2023 when a school board member resigned. Five candidates entered the race and NTA endorsed CTA-Retired member Brenda Borge. NTA worked hard to make sure the community knew the importance of this election, increase voter turnout and form partnerships and coalitions. Working with CTA Governmental Relations staff, NTA rolled out a postcard campaign, ran digital ads and distributed mailers and door hangers. Partners includ- ing Elk Grove TA, Sacramento City TA and Twin Rivers United Educators helped canvas the community from 35 S U M M E R 2 0 24 ai171589296915_CTA-ad-1-2024_JuneJuly.pdf 1 5/16/2024 4:56:10 PM

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