California Educator

December / January 2017

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Oh, What a Year! Highlights of Educator coverage in 2017 J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 2 1 I S S U E 5 8 EDUCATORS RAISE THE BAR FOR STUDENTS & THE PROFESSION RIDING THE WAVE PAGE 20 PAGE 32 HUNGER ON CAMPUS Solutions to rising food insecurity PAGE 44 FIGHTING BACK AGAINST HATE PAGE 13 GENIUS HOUR: A NO-BRAINER PAGE 52 MOST INNOVATIVE APPS NEW EDUCATOR WEEKEND PAGE 10 Don't M iss A P R I L 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 2 1 I S S U E 7 Makes a Comeback PEER REVIEW Teachers guiding teachers to success is a win-win for everyone. PAGE 22 DEALING WITH RISING FOOD ALLERGIES PAGE 16 PEANUT FREE CTA Human Rights Award Winners PAGE 44 ESP of the Year TERI ROOTS PAGE 43 California Day of the Teacher poster INSIDE BACK COVER Where to Store Your Data PAGE 40 Y o u N ee d t o Kno w E V E R Y T H I N G make this year your best A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 2 2 I S S U E 1 Cutting-edge curriculum Professional learning communities Reimagining your classroom ...and much more Page 19 TIPS, IDEAS… CTA Economic Benefits Trust Annual Report Page 66 Including: Advice from the pros New educator insights Helping kids connect Enhancing your best self …& RESOURCES O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 2 2 I S S U E 2 Teaching climate change in a warming world Page 24 Hot Topic CTA's Instructional Leadership Corps "Teachers training teachers" takes root Page 52 Where are they now? Catching up with members who made the news Page 37 DACA educator's Dream on hold Page 46 School heroes save a life Page 18 the parent-teacher conference Page 65 M A R C H 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 2 1 I S S U E 6 DEALING WITH IMPLICIT BIAS PAGE 13 EMBRACING THE GENDER SPECTRUM PAGE 20 GRAMMY WINNER CTA MEMBER KEITH HANCOCK PAGE 45 PAGE 16 TO THE RESCUE STUDENTS ARE SAVING LIVES PAGE 34 FAKE NEWS ATTACK STUDENTS LEARN TO SORT FACT FROM FICTION M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 2 1 I S S U E 8 LYNWOOD THE PLAN FOR LIFE AFTER SCHOOL PAGE 48 Summer Travel Apps PAGE 45 5 District of the Year PAGE 53 UKULELE GETS RESPECT PAGE 15 LET'S BE CLEAR ABOUT CHARTER SCHOOLS We talked with educators and parents at both charter and traditional schools. While some charters deserve support, many shortchange students to make profits. What can we do? PAGE 18 JANUARY/FEBRUARY: Our annual Innovation Issue featured extraordinary educators, including one who revamped district libraries into Maker spaces and another who helps guide African American boys to manhood. We also looked at the San Ramon school community 's fight against hate, and hunger on college campuses. APRIL: Peer review programs fell victim to budget cuts during the recession, but are now back, allowing teachers to help teachers succeed. We also looked at how schools and educators are coping with a rise in food allergies, and pitfalls when it comes to choosing a 403(b) retirement savings plan. THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR: Our Back to School issue was jam-packed with tips, ideas and resources for the classroom and personal and professional development. The October/November issue caught up with educators' challenges in teaching climate change, and the ongoing success of CTA's Instructional Leadership Corps, where teachers train teachers. MARCH: "Embracing the Gender Spectrum" examined the range of gender identities and expressions and how educators deal with situations where gender plays a central role — whether in curriculum or schoolyard bullying. We also looked at a high school program that teaches search and rescue skills, and how students can recognize fake news. MAY/JUNE: Not all charter schools are created equal. Some are student-centered and deserve support, while others shortchange students to make profits. In addition to multiple stories on charters, we offered some commonsense solutions to close the accountability loopholes. 72 CTA & You Y E A R I N R E V I E W HAPPY 2018! Check out the brand new digital Educator. It has all the great content found in print as well as essential education and CTA news in between issues, in a visually striking and responsive format. Read it on any device, and tell us what you think: (Be sure to find "Fun" under the Topics tab to enter our caption-writing contest!) New!

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