California Educator

June/July 2024

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PITTSBURG EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: After 19 hours of bargaining, Pittsburg educators in April won a contract that was months of deep organizing in the making. Among the victories: resources to recruit and retain educators and a community schools agreement (MOU)! SAUSALITO DISTRICT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: The power of the strike was on display in Sausalito-Marin City, when SDTA members unanimously authorized a strike after 10 months of bargaining — and won! Educators stood united and in October won a 13.57% pay increase, fully paid health care and binding arbitration, among other victories. UNITED EDUCATORS OF SAN FRANCISCO: UESF members voted to authorize a strike and won a huge contract victory in October rooted in equity that will see no education support professional in San Francisco Unified earn less than $30 an hour, as well as pay increases for educators and substitute teachers. LOS ALTOS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION & PALO ALTO EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Some LATA and PAEA members will be able to live where they work thanks to teacher housing currently under construction in Palo Alto as part of a public-private partnership between four school districts, Santa Clara County and social media giant Meta. When completed (estimated 2025), 110 housing units will be set aside for educators from Palo Alto Unified, Los Altos, Mountain View Whisman and Foothill-De Anza Community College districts. Spotlight on Success Educator Housing 9 S U M M E R 2 0 24

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