California Educator

June/July 2024

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EAST BAY COALITION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS: Solidarity rocks! The nearly 20 CTA locals in the East Bay Coalition for Student Success had a busy year, with multiple locals approving strike votes and winning for their students. Organizing continues, with five coalition locals potentially on strike to start the new school year if districts won't invest in student success. HARTNELL COLLEGE FACULTY ASSOCIATION: Months of deep organizing and a marathon 16-hour bargaining session ended in a major victory for HCFA members in mid-December. They won health care for adjunct faculty, a pay increase and other resources to recruit and retain educators. FAIRFIELD-SUISUN UNIFIED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: Recruiting and retaining the educators that Fairfield-Suisun students deserve is the top priority for FSUTA members, who have organized and rallied in support of their lengthy bargain. OLD ADOBE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: Members of the small but mighty OATA were ready to strike for each other and their students last fall, organizing and winning a new contract that includes increases to pay and health care benefits, so educators can stay in Old Adobe. CTA-BERRYESSA: After more than a year of difficult negotiations, CTA-Berryessa members remained united for the best for Berryessa students, winning a new contract in December. 8 Feature

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