California Educator

June/July 2024

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PASO ROBLES PUBLIC EDUCATORS: PRPE members rallied and built power to end the school year on a powerful note, winning a 5% pay increase and a stipend for bilingual educators in May. UNITED TEACHERS LOS ANGELES: UTLA members rallied with SEIU Local 99 members in early May to demand the Los Angeles Unified School Board and Superintendent Alberto Carvalho reverse $6.3 billion in cuts that will have devastating impacts on students. The #CarvalhoCuts will mean less time for social emotional support for students; less help in the classroom; fewer arts, dance, music and elective programs; and less staff to keep schools safe and clean, among many impacts. WHITTIER ELEMENTARY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: In October, WETA members won an agreement with the Whittier City School District on the staffing and infrastructure needs to build and support quality community schools. The agreement also outlines shared leadership structures to facilitate collaboration in the community schools process and oversight so that all students can thrive. WETA is currently at impasse with the district in its contract bargain. Spotlight on Success Community Schools SANTA BARBARA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: SBTA members have been building a movement for the schools their students deserve, marching through the streets of Santa Barbara to demand safer teaching and learning conditions. SBTA completed mediation in April and members continue to organize to win the resources their public schools need. 12 Feature

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