California Educator

June/July 2024

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REGION IV BREA OLINDA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: BOTA members built a movement for Brea Olinda schools, rallying with parents and community for the resources to recruit and retain quality educators. BOTA built the power to make their "four is fair " rallying cry (for a 4% salary increase) a reality, winning an agreement in early May. CAPISTRANO UNIFIED EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: In the spring, CUEA members organized and won six weeks of paid maternity leave — the first in Orange County to negotiate it — along with a stipend for special education teachers and a pay increase. CHULA VISTA EDUCATORS: In December, CVE members organized and won the largest pay increase in their union's history — 12% over two years — to help recruit and retain the educators all Chula Vista students deserve. ASSOCIATED CHINO TEACHERS: ACT members have shown exactly how to fight back when extremists take over a school board: together, in our union and with fierce righteousness in defense of our students and each other. Educators organized when an extremist majority of the school board banned books and Pride flags, seeking headlines on Fox News instead of focusing on education for Chino students. ACT also won a new contract in the spring. Spotlight on Success Fighting Extremism 13 S U M M E R 2 0 24

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