California Educator

June/July 2024

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FRESNO TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: When 3,500-plus educators in Portland Association of Teachers walked out of classrooms and onto picket lines on Nov. 1 last year they were ready to put it all on the line for their students, but no one knew they would be out until Nov. 26 to win the teaching and learning conditions their students deserve. Fresno Teachers Association President Manuel Bonilla felt a kinship with PAT President Angela Bonilla, sharing not only a surname but a strike date. After FTA reached a tentative agreement on Oct. 30, Manuel Bonilla sent a message of educator solidarity that was texted to all PAT members on the eve of their historic strike. ORANGE UNIFIED EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: OUEA members took their fight against two extremist school board members to the ballot, helping to build a community coalition to recall the extremists and take back their school board. In March, both of the board members were recalled. SADDLEBACK VALLEY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: SVEA reached agreement in late October on a contract that will improve teaching and learning conditions in Saddleback Valley schools and help recruit and retain quality educators. SVEA also successfully petitioned to add 80 speech language pathologists, school psychologists and mental health counselors into the union. Spotlight on Success Showing Solidarity TEMECULA VALLEY EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION: In August, T VEA members stood together to fight curriculum censorship in Temecula schools, joining a lawsuit against the school board that brought culture wars and chaos to their award- winning school district. Spotlight on Success Fighting Extremism 14 Feature

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