California Educator

June/July 2024

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Page 26 of 39

ALHAMBRA TEACHERS ASSN. — conducted site visits ASSOCIATED POMONA TEACHERS — brought parents to speak at school board meeting COMPTON EDUCATION ASSN. — passed an e-board resolution GARVEY EDUCATION ASSN. — passed a Rep Council resolution and conducted member education GLENDALE TEACHERS ASSN. — made a Rep Council presentation and resolution INGLEWOOD TEACHERS ASSN. — created Community Schools Coordinator job descriptions MOUNTAIN VIEW TEACHERS ASSN. — Community School discussion with district administrators SANTA BARBARA TEACHERS ASSN. — passed an e-board and a Rep Council resolution, conducted member education UNITED TEACHERS LOS ANGELES — held open house for Community Schools VICTOR VALLEY TEACHERS ASSN. — steering committee presentation, communications plan and created Community Schools Coordinator job descriptions REGION 3 EL MONTE ELEMENTARY TEACHERS ASSN. — passed a Rep Council resolution and held a townhall with more than 40 parents in attendance EMETA's Rep Council passes the resolution; EMETA President Gloria Delfin signs it. LYNWOOD TEACHERS ASSN. — conducted a parent event, created a petition and submitted demand to bargain Lynwood parents learning about Community Schools, #unionstrong educators, the petition UNITED TEACHERS OF PASADENA — conducted site visits Pasadena educators are all smiles. 25 S U M M E R 2 0 24

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