California Educator

June/July 2024

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To learn more about CTA's work with Community Schools and to read previous coverage, visit WETA leadership holds a Community Schools meeting. REGION 3 (continued) WHITTIER ELEMENTARY TEACHERS ASSN. — met one-on-one with members; conducted site visits with school board members ALVORD TEACHERS ASSN. — conducted campaign to pass school board resolution CHULA VISTA EDUCATORS — conducted member education FONTANA TEACHERS ASSN. — passed a member resolution in support of Community Schools GARDEN GROVE EDUCATION ASSN. — passed a Rep Council resolution and conducted member education ORANGE UNIFIED EDUCATION ASSN. — passed a Rep Council and a school board resolution SAN DIEGO EDUCATION ASSN. — held a Community Schools showcase with the district for California Assembly Members REGION 4 SDEA educators, legislators discuss Community Schools. C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L S 26 Advocacy C O M M U N I T Y S C H O O L S

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