California Educator

June/July 2024

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ASSOCIATION OF PLEASANTON TEACHERS: Educator unity is unstoppable! APT members authorized a strike and were ready to walk the line for the best resources for their students and community — when they won, reaching an agreement in March just days before planning to go on strike. DUBLIN TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: Nearly 100% of DTA members voted to authorize a strike for the resources Dublin students need. The movement they built with their families and community powered a contract victory in March that will help recruit and retain educators in all Dublin schools. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY SCHOOLS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Smaller class sizes and student success were the rallying cries for CCCSEA members organizing and fighting for a new contract. The local won a new two- year agreement in May. REGION I CTA's Four Regions 7 S U M M E R 2 0 24

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