California Educator

August/September 2024

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Victoria Chon Fremont Unified District Teachers Association Running for: Santa Clara County Board of Education Why are you running for reelection? As attacks on public education only escalate, it is crucial that we have elected officials who bring the experience of the classroom and prioritize the well-being of students first. I first ran for my County Board in 2020 at the peak of the pandemic because I was driven to do more for public edu- cation, to support my students and to improve the working conditions of educators. That commitment is unwavering today and with increased experience as an educator and as a trustee, I am eager to continue this important work. What are your top priorities? • I want every student to receive a fair and equitable public school education. As a public school educator, local union president and trustee, I believe it is crucial that every stu- dent receives the education they deserve. • County boards have a unique role in charter school over- sight and it is my responsibility as a trustee to ensure that every charter school is held accountable, so we can effec- tively support every student and educator. • All students deserve to have a safe and equitable not personal or political gain. Decisions are made more thoughtfully when a school board member is knowledge- able about all aspects and impacts of said decision, and better outcomes occur from better informed decisions. As a teacher and local association president, I bring a practical perspective from experience and understand first-hand the challenges faced by educators. What does it mean to you to be par t of the movement to protect and defend our public schools? It means being part of a movement that will define the future of public education. We are in exigent times when it comes to recruiting and retaining educators. The chal- lenges faced daily make it difficult for those who would normally be attracted to the profession to even consider a career in public education. Being part of this election and winning a seat on the CVESD School Board is an oppor- tunity to not only protect and defend public education but empower educator voices. How impor tant is the November election? Public education is always under attack. Educators are constantly questioned about our professionalism around curriculum and craft despite years of education and experi- ence. The details of a plan to deconstruct the Department of Education further threatens the expertise and masterfulness of educators. Therefore, voting and getting friends and family to participate in this election is urgent. educational environment. The County Board is a corner- stone in special education for our local school districts. I want to ensure that we continually support all our special education students with the highest quality education. In addition, the county supports many of our justice-involved youth and it is vital that we continue to support their learn- ing and futures. • In a county with a BIPOC majority — and despite a signif- icant American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) population few AAPI elected officials — it is of utmost importance that I be a strong representative for my AAPI community. Why is it so impor tant to have educators on school boards? We possess first-hand knowledge and experience of the classroom. Educators directly feel the impact of boardroom decisions that affect our students and their learning condi- tions, which are our working conditions. As strong advocates for our students, being a part of one of the highest spaces that makes decisions for our students is essential for the future of our students. What does it mean to you to be par t of the movement to protect and defend our public schools? I am proud of my roles as an educator, a CTA member, pres- ident of my local association and as a school board trustee. Balancing these roles and responsibilities empowers the efforts of making public education better. I am honored and privileged to be a part of the group of individuals who hold both titles of educator and school board trustee. How impor tant is the November election? VOTE! Every vote matters, it is vital that we vote and that we get others to vote. 33 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 24

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