California Educator

August/September 2024

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Compiled by Julian Peeples Quotes & Numbers " We have to be thoughtful and careful in how and where we use AI, to supplement education rather than a tool for eliminating positions." — Wendy Brill-Wynkoop, College of the Canyons Faculty Association member, in a June Inside Higher Education story on CTA- and Community College Association-supported AB 2370, which requires that community college courses be taught by qualified instructors. " The cool thing working with these kids is if you just give them a little bit of love, and you work hard, and you show some compassion, you can do some great things." — Keith Ballard, music teacher and Sweetwater Education Association member, in a San Diego-7 story on his induction this year into the National Teachers Hall of Fame. " We had over 2,000 layoff notices across the state in March. It was looking bleak for far too many of our colleagues, their students and communities. But what happened in our local chapters is truly incredible organizing. Our union fought back. People power won the day." — CTA President David Goldberg in his June report to State Council of Education. " The measure exceeds the scope of the power to amend the Constitution via citizen initiative." — State Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu, issuing the court's prevailing opinion in June that prevented the Taxpayer Deception Act from appearing on the November ballot. 27,000 Fairfax County Public School workers in Virginia who won collective bargaining rights in June after voting to form the Alliance of Fairfax Education Unions. MORE THAN 2,000 School board seats up for election statewide this November. Read more on Page 32. 76 Percentage of public school parents who approve of teachers' unions, according to the Public Policy Institute of California. $30 million Amount Los Angeles Unified School District administrators redirected to arts programs after UTLA called out the district and Superintendent Alberto Carvalho for misusing arts funding and shortchanging students. 3 million Fewer students projected to attend K–12 public schools nationwide by 2031 than in 2013, according to a July EdWeek report. 12 In the Know

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